First login to the web with login and password

Enter in the command line the name of the site with your server before “” or follow the ссылке

“Server” - the name of the company you work for, e.g. Fazer, Lavazza, Huawei, etc.

Enter your login and password in the appropriate fields. The data should have been given to you by the company you work for. If the data has been lost, contact the issuer to obtain a new login and password

If the red error “Incorrect username or password” appears, check that the username and password fields have been entered correctly

If after several attempts you still cannot log in, contact the person who sent you the username and password so that they can verify that the data is correct. It is possible that the login is disabled or has not even been created

In case you have been reset your password, when logging in you only need to enter your login and leave the “Password” field blank. Click “Sign-in”. The password is generated automatically when you try to log in.

If all the details are correct and you have clicked “Login”, you will be on your server