Contacting support chat from app

If you need to contact support chat via EasyMerch app, tap on Help button at the main screen

Write your message in the text field in the opened window. Tap on blue arrow to send your message. Press Enter if you need to do a line break.

Your message is sent. Chat receives it's number. That's the number of your appeal. You don't need to provide your login and current store

When operator takes your chat, you see an operator's name and category to which your chat belongs

If an operator asks for a screenshot with a problem, go to the problem's location, then tap on support's chat widget, then tap on "Make screenshot". If it's necessary, make more than one screenshot at once

You will receive a message which tells that your screenshot has been sent to chat after you make a screenshot

Tap on "Open chat" to get back to it

Select which screenshots to send and which not to send. Click Submit to send the screenshot to chat, Cancel to remove the screenshot from chat

Tap on Clip icon if you need to send videos, photos or files from folders on your device

You can add or remove files during preview before sending them

You can move the widget around your screen. You can hide widget by tapping "Hide widget". If you need to get it back open the support chat using Help button

When operator sends you a message a red indicator appears on the widget

If it's possible, notify an operator that everything is OK now or you have no questions left

You will receive a system message about working status of you chat

When the operator closes the chat, a window will appear on the screen where you can rate their performance

Choose one of the smileys - this is your evaluation of the operator's work on a scale from 1 to 5. If you wish, leave a comment. Then click Submit

Click Hide if you do not want to send a review. If you clicked Hide by accident, re-enter the chat, the window will reappear. You will be able to leave a rating until a new chat is created

You can review all your previous chats by scrolling them up endlessly. Tap on "Scroll down" to get back to an end of your conversation