Open in the section Products and select what you want to add: a product or a category.
To create a Category, you need to fill in the required field - Name. The remaining items are optional.
Competitor's Category - marks the product category and the products in it as competitors
Active - Makes this category active in the system
Specify in reports - Includes this product category in employee reports
Add SKUs - Allows employees with the appropriate rights to add new products to this category
col 1 - The unique number of this product category
Code - Category code
Partner - Adds this category to the partner category (if such categories are configured on the server)
To create a product, it is necessary to fill in 2 mandatory items, its category and name.
SKU code - Allows you to set the barcode for the product
Activity status - This product will be visible in employee reports during the visit
SKU Image - The ability to upload a photo of the product in the application and on the website
Group - add a product to any product group
col 1 - The unique number of this product